Gain a competitive advantage by introducing new kinds of confectionery products with pieces of fruit and/or berries on top or in the body of the product;
Be fundamentally different in quality from competitors;
Expand the geographical capabilities of product sales without loss of quality.
1. To gain a competitive advantage by introducing new kinds of confectionery products with pieces of fruit and/or berries on top or in the body of the product.
We all know that fruits and berries ripen during autumn. They appear on the market in excellent quality and at affordable prices. If a cake or a pie is decorated with berries or fruit, while maintaining an acceptable price, it benefits from an invaluable competitive advantage. When such a product appears in any confectionery shop window, the customer's attention will shift to it and the chances of a sale are much higher compared to other types of confectionery nearby.
However, the low-price season for berries and fruit is very short-lived. How can you make such products available on the shelves all year round?
The only possible solution to these problems is the use of AEF technology. Only after using our technology are the pieces of fruit or berries preserved in their pristine state, rather than being transformed into soggy bits.
The picture shows a defrosted cake.
2. Be fundamentally different in quality from the competition.
Sometimes in autumn, products of a similar assortment appear on the shelves of confectionery shops. However, they are only made and sold fresh. This, therefore, determines their price and imposes certain restrictions on sales. Even ordinary cakes and pies, without berries or fruit, do not get better over time. In addition to bacteria, the damp cream soaks into the drier cakes and it adds up to a mess. If fresh berries or pieces of fruit are put on top of the cake, the life span of such products is further reduced. Therefore, bakery companies are very reluctant to include this type of product to their assortment.
However, AEF Acoustic Freezing solves this problem completely. You can use fresh berries and pieces of fruit to decorate the outside of the cake and also place them in the layer of cream inside. Plus, you don't need to use chemicals to extend the shelf life.
Once defrosted, they don't drip at all and retain their fresh taste.
In tartlets, the shortbread dough is just as crispy as when freshly baked, and the scent of summer strawberries spreads throughout the kitchen.
3. Expand the geographical capabilities of product sales while without loss of quality.
Expanding your geographical capabilities for product sales without much of an increase in costs is every pastry chef's dream. Using our technology, you can take your products anywhere in the world frozen in a conventional freezer. At the point of sale, you can thaw your products to order and take them to your customer, who will be able to sell them for 1 to 3 days. The frozen life of your products will be at least one year. Fruit and berry chunks are in high demand by customers and, at reasonable prices, are sure to be top sellers.